Terms of Use

Please acknowledge my copyright on all images.
© Clare Fleming www.LightStreams.net All Rights Reserved
I hope these pictures stimulate your own ability to see and find joy and beauty where you are.
You are welcome to take what you see and use it in ways that can bring pleasure to yourself or others.
All that I ask is that you please do not take my images and use them to make money without giving something in return.
Please handle these images with the same spirit in which they are freely given. If you have freely received, then please freely give.
If you want to use any images on this site for financial gain, please ask me via my contact page, so that I can let you know about the charities and creative artists that I help to support. I ask you to donate a percentage of the money that you make towards these.
Please acknowledge my copyright on all images.
The images on this site are too small for making enlarged prints. If you would like to purchase a logo-free larger image for printing, please contact me via my contact page.
You can find me on 24-25 at Venue 9 on North Bristol Artists Arts Trail 2023